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Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 24(1): 60-79, Ene 2, 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229619


Los trabajos sobre las variables psicológicas que influyen en el rendimiento de los deportistas en sus diferentes disciplinas contribuyen a poder realizar una intervención más adecuada. En este estudio, a través del Cuestionario de Necesidades Psicológicas del Deportista (CNPD) de Dosil (2005), se describe cual es el grado de motivación, activación, confianza y atención, que nos permiten determinar un continuo en la fortaleza mental de los jugadores y de las jugadoras de Baloncesto de las competiciones profesionales y semiprofesionales en España.Esta investigación instrumental realiza un estudio comparativo transversal de carácter descriptivo y exploratorio. La muestra está compuesta de 184 baloncestistas, con edades comprendidas entre los 16 y 38 años (M= 24.20; DT= 4.65); presentando el 84.2% una experiencia de 11 o más años de práctica.El trabajo describe y compara a los y las participantes de las distintas ligas profesionales y semiprofesional en España, encontrando diferencias significativas en fortaleza mental a favor de la Liga ACB con la Liga EBA (tamaño del efecto = 1.00, grande), a favor de la Liga ACB con la LF2 (tamaño del efecto = 1.13, grande), y a favor de la LEB Plata con la LF2 (tamaño del efecto = 1.00, grande). El mayor conocimiento de las variables psicológicas, las diferencias entre jugadores y jugadoras y las particularidades de cada uno, permite una mejor intervención personal y a través de los cuerpos técnicos.(AU)

The works on the psychological variables that influence the performance of athletes in their different disciplines contribute to being able to perform a more appropriate intervention. In this study, the Athlete's Psychological Needs Questionnaire describes the degree of motivation, arousal, confidence, and attention that allows us to determine a continuum in the mental toughness of basketball players in professional and semi-professional competitions in Spain. This cross-sectional comparative study with a sample of 184 basketball players, aged between 16 and 38 years (M= 24.20; SD= 4.65); presenting 84.2% an experience of 11 or more years of practice. The work describes and compares the participants of the different professional and semi-professional leagues in Spain, finding significant differences in mental toughness in favor of the ACB League with the EBA League (effe size = 1.00, large), in favor of the ACB League with the LF2 (effect size = 1.13, large), and in favor of the LEB Plata with the LF2 (effect size = 1.00, large). The greater knowledge of the psychological variables, the differences between male and female players, and the particularities of each one, allows a better personal intervention through the technical staff.(AU)

Os trabalhos sobre as variáveis psicológicas que influenciam o rendimento dos desportistas nas suas diferentes vertentes (disciplinas) podem contribuir para realizar uma intervenção mais adequada. Neste estudo, através do Questionário de Necessidades Psicológicas do Desportista (CNPD), descreve-se qual o grau de motivação, ativação, confiança e atenção, que nos permitem determinar um continuum na resistência mental dos jogadores e das jogadoras de Basquetebol das competições profissionais e semiprofissionais em Espanha. Este estudo instrumental de natureza transversal, participaram184 basquetebolistas, com idades compreendias entre os 16 e os 38 anos (M= 24.20; DP= 4.65); apresentando 84.2% com uma experiência de 11 ou mais anos de prática. O trabalho descreve e compara os participantes das diferentes ligas profissionais e semiprofissionais em Espanha, encontrando diferenças significativas na resistência mental a favor da Liga ACB com a Liga EBA (tamanho do efeito = 1.00, grande), a favor da Liga ACB com o LF2 (tamanho do efeito = 1.13, grande) e a favor da LEB Plata com o LF2 (tamanho do efeito = 1.00, grande). Um maior conhecimento das variáveis psicológicas, das diferenças entre jogadores e jogadoras e das particularidades de cada um, permite uma melhor intervenção pessoal, por parte das equipas técnicas.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Desempenho Atlético , Atletas/psicologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Saúde Mental , Teoria da Mente , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva , Esportes/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Espanha , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 24(1): 228-241, Ene 2, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-229629


La existencia de rachas en baloncesto ha sido estudiada en equipos (momentum del equipo) y jugadores (mano caliente/momentum del jugador), utilizando diferentes métodos y alcanzando resultados contradictorios. Sin embargo, investigación empírica reciente muestra que este tipo de fenómenos de rachas son reales y no un sesgo de la percepción. En esta investigación se analiza una forma de rachas de juego para el jugador que hasta ahora no había sido considerada: el momentum del jugador entre partidos. Empleando una muestra de 39 jugadores y 3483 partidos de las temporadas 2016/17 y 2017/18 en la NBA, se analiza los puntos anotados por minuto en situaciones de muy alto y también muy bajo rendimiento. Los resultados sugieren que hay una cierta tendencia que refleja el momentum, tanto para buenos como para malos rendimientos, pero ese resultado está influenciado por el porcentaje de uso del jugador, es decir, su capacidad para acaparar juego. La tendencia es ir hacia atrás (en torno a un 60-70%) en ladistribución de anotaciones tras un partido muy bueno, y de ir hacia delante (en torno a un 30-40%) en la distribución de anotaciones tras un partido muy malo. Las implicaciones para la toma de decisiones son discutidas finalmente.(AU)

The existence of streaks in basketball has been studied for teams (team momentum) and players (hot hand/player momentum) using disparate methods and reaching some conflicting results. However, recent empirical research shows these types of streaks are real and not an artifact of perception. In this research, we analyze a form of player streak that has not been considered before player momentum between games. Using a sample of 39 players and 3483 games of the 2016/17 and 2017/18 NBA regular seasons, we studied the distribution of points scored per minute focusing on both tails of this distribution for each player, i.e., extremely high, and extremely low performance within the same season. Results suggest that there is a certain trend reflecting momentum (for both good and bad performances), but this outcome is influenced by the usage percentage. The trend is to jump back to around 60-70% of the distribution of scores after a very good game and to jump forward to around 30-40% of the distribution of scores after a very bad game. Implications for decision-making are discussed at the end.(AU)

A existência de sequências no basquetebol têm sido estudadas em equipas (momentum da equipa) e jogadores (mão quente/momentum do jogador), utilizando diferentes métodos e chegando a resultados contraditórios. No entanto, estudosempíricos recentes evidenciaram queesse tipo de fenômeno é real e não um viés de percepção. Este estudo analisou uma forma de sequência de jogo para o jogador que até então não havia sido considerada: o ímpeto do jogador entre as partidas. Para tal, participaram neste estudo 39 jogadores e 3483 jogos das temporadas 2016/17 e 2017/18 da NBA, e foram analisados os pontos marcados por minuto em situações de alto e baixo desempenho. Os resultados sugerem que existe uma certa tendência que reflete o momentum, tanto para as boas como para as más exibições, mas esse resultado é influenciado pela percentagem de aproveitamento do jogador, ou seja, a sua capacidadede dominaro jogo. As implicações para a tomada de decisão são finalmente discutidas.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Basquetebol/psicologia , Desempenho Atlético , Atletas/psicologia , Atletismo/estatística & dados numéricos , Psicologia do Esporte
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 24(1): 275-296, Ene 2, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229632


Uno de los elementos que más determinan el rendimiento en el jugador de baloncesto es su capacidad de toma de decisiones. Por ello, es necesario ampliar los estudios que permitan entender esta capacidad. El objetivo de esta investigación fue construir y validar un cuestionario que permitiese conocer los Criterios del Jugador de Baloncesto cuando Penetra hacia la Canasta (CJB-PEC). Después de llevar a cabo una revisión de la literatura por parte de los investigadores y de sostener una mesa de discusión, se procedió a la creación de tres dimensiones y 24 ítems para el cuestionario. Posteriormente, se seleccionó a un grupo de 10 diez expertos en el objeto de estudio de esta investigación, los cuales colaboraron vía remota por correo electrónico en la evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa del instrumento. Con el método Delphi en la primera versión tras obtener los valores medios de 10 expertos en univocidad, pertinencia e importancia a través del coeficiente de V de Aiken (0.75), con intervalos de confianza (IC) al 90% y nivel crítico al 0.70, se encontró que: la pregunta 20 no alcanzó el valor mínimo en la V de Aiken. Las preguntas 4,5,12,13,16, 20 en univocidad, la 12,18,19,20,21,24 en pertinencia, la 7,12,16, 18,19,20,21,24en importancia y la 12,18,19,20,24 en valor total no alcanzaron el nivel crítico. Con los resultados y observaciones de los expertos se modificó y construyó la segunda versión del cuestionario. Ésta tuvo 24 ítems, eliminándose las preguntas 4 y 20, reformulándose las preguntas por debajo del nivel crítico al 0.70 y agregándose 2 preguntas. Esta versión pasó a una segunda ronda con los expertos y consiguió valores superiores a 0.75 en la V de Aiken en todas las preguntas, con IC al 90%. Ninguna preguntaestuvo por debajo del nivel crítico al 0.70...(AU)

One of the elements that most determines the performance of a basketball player is their decision-making ability. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the studies that allow us to understand this capacity. The objective of this research was to construct and validate a questionnaire that would allow us to understand the Criteria of the Basketball Player when Penetrating to the Basket (CJB-PEC). After conducting a literature review by the researchers and holding a discussion, we proceeded to create three dimensions and 24 items for the questionnaire. Subsequently, a group of 10 experts in the subject of this research was selected, and they collaborated remotely via email in the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the instrument. Using the Delphi method in the first version, after obtaining the mean values from 10 experts in clarity, relevance, and importance through the Aiken's V coefficient (0.75), with confidence intervals (CI) at90% and a critical level at 0.70, itwas found that: question 20 did notreach the minimum value in Aiken's V. Questions 4, 5, 12, 13, 16, 20 in clarity, questions 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 in relevance, questions 7, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 in importance, and questions 12, 18, 19, 20, 24 in the total value did not reach the critical level. Based on the results and expert observations, the second version of the questionnaire was modified and constructed. This version had 24 items, with questions 4 and 20 removed, questions reformulated below the critical level of 0.70, and 2 newquestions added. This versionwent through a second round with the experts and achieved values above 0.75 in Aiken's V for all questions, with a 90% CI. No question was below the critical level of 0.70...(AU)

Um dos elementos que mais determina o desempenho de um jogador de basquetebol é a sua capacidade de tomar decisões. Assim, torna-se necessário expandir os estudos que nos permitam compreender essa capacidade. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi construir e validar um questionário para avaliar os Critérios do Jogador de Basquetebol ao Penetrar na Cesto (CJB-PEC). Após a realização de uma revisão da literatura pelos investigadores e uma discussão, procedemos à criação de três dimensões e 24 itens para o questionário. Posteriormente, foi selecionado um grupo de 10 especialistas no assunto desta pesquisa, que colaboraram remotamente por e-mail na avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa do instrumento. Usando o método Delphi na primeira versão, após obter os valores médios de 10 especialistas em clareza, relevância e importância por meio do coeficiente V de Aiken (0.75), com intervalos de confiança (IC) a 90% e um nível crítico de 0.70, constatou-se que: a pergunta 20 não atingiu o valor mínimo no V de Aiken. Asperguntas 4, 5, 12, 13, 16, 20 em clareza, as perguntas 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 em relevância, as perguntas 7, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 em importância e as perguntas 12, 18, 19, 20, 24 no valor total não atingiram o nível crítico. Com base nos resultados e observações dos especialistas, o questionário passou por uma modificação e construção da sua segunda versão. Essa versão continha 24 itens, com as perguntas 4 e 20 removidas, as perguntas reformuladas abaixo do nível crítico de 0.70 e 2 novas perguntas adicionadas. Esta versão passou por uma segunda rodada com os especialistas e alcançou valores acima de 0.75 no V de Aiken para todas as perguntas, com um IC de 90%. Nenhuma pergunta ficou abaixo do nível crítico de 0.70...(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Basquetebol/psicologia , Técnica Delfos , Tomada de Decisões , Desempenho Atlético/psicologia , Atletas/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Esportes/psicologia , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva
Psychol Res ; 88(2): 523-534, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37831215


Previous research indicates that performing passes with a head fake in basketball leads to increased response initiation times and errors as compared to performing a pass without a head fake. These so-called fake production costs only occurred when not given the time to mentally prepare the deceptive movement. In the current study, we investigated if extensive practice could reduce the cognitive costs of producing a pass with head fake. Twenty-four basketball novices participated in an experiment on five consecutive days. A visual cue prompted participants to play a pass with or without a head fake either to the left or right side. The cued action had to be executed after an interstimulus interval (ISI) of either 0 ms, 400 ms, 800 ms or 1200 ms, allowing for different movement preparation times. Results indicated higher response initiation times (ITs) and error rates (ERs) for passes with head fakes for the short preparation intervals (ISI 0 ms and 400 ms) on the first day but no difference for the longer preparation intervals (ISI 800 ms and 1200 ms). After only one day of practice, participants showed reduced fake production costs (for ISI 0 ms) and were even able to eliminate these cognitive costs when given time to mentally prepare the movement (for ISI 400 ms). Accordingly, physical practice can reduce the cognitive costs associated with head-fake generation. This finding is discussed against the background of the strengthening of stimulus response associations.

Basquetebol , Humanos , Basquetebol/fisiologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Tempo de Reação/fisiologia , Movimento , Cognição , Sinais (Psicologia)
Apunts, Med. esport (Internet) ; 58(220)October - December 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-226540


Dispositional mindfulness promotes adaptive responses to pressure situations and reduce anxiety and emotional distress, which are common manifestations in sport. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of mindfulness characteristics in the display of irrational performance beliefs and intolerance of uncertainty amongst a sample of elite female basketball players (N = 67, Mage = 25.73 years, SD = 4.4). An online Qualtrics survey containing demographic items, the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale, Irrational Performance Beliefs Inventory, and Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale was used to collect the study data, which were analysed using SPSS. The results from both Pearson correlation coefficient and simple linear regression analyses indicated that higher levels of dispositional mindfulness are significantly related to elite female basketball players having fewer irrational beliefs about their performance and being more tolerant of uncertain situations in their sport. One-way analysis of variance further indicated a significant difference between low, average, and high mindfulness groups, with Tukey's post-hoc analyses confirming that participants with high mindfulness displayed significantly fewer rigid, extreme, self-defeating performance beliefs in sport, and were less prone to impulsive reactions to uncertain circumstances compared to participants with low mindfulness. Sport psychology practitioners are encouraged to consider the integration of mindfulness assessment and training protocols with traditional cognitive behaviour modification approaches to counter female basketball players’ display of distorted beliefs in sport and adverse reactions to ambiguous experiences. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Basquetebol/psicologia , Atenção Plena/tendências , Incerteza , Pessimismo/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos Transversais
J Bodyw Mov Ther ; 36: 343-348, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37949582


INTRODUCTION: Sports activity can affect balance ability, increasing injury risk. Single session of acute exercise can also alter cognitive function, potentially linked to balance ability. In this study, we examined the changes in cognitive function and static and dynamic balance abilities before and after the basketball game, and a dual-task was used to evaluate static balance ability. METHOD: We measured the rating of perceived exertion (RPE), static and dynamic balance ability, and cognitive function in 12 male university basketball players before and after basketball game. We compared the differences in each measurement before and after the game using a t-test and examined the correlation between RPE, cognitive function, and balance ability. RESULTS: We found RPE and cognitive function increased after the game. However, static balance ability in the dual-task and dynamic balance ability did not change before and after the game. Positive correlation found pre-RPE with SC-total and DO-locus length, and SEBT-ANT. Negative correlation found post-RPE with SEBT-PL, and positive correlation found ΔRPE with DO-peripheral area. DISCUSSION: To enhance post-game balance ability, it is crucial to assess pre-game RPE for each player. Also, the understanding game-induced load is imperative as high post-game RPE negatively affects static and dynamic balance ability. Therefore, game load management strategies must be employed to ensure optimal balance ability. CONCLUSION: Because RPE before and after a basketball game is related to balance ability after the game, it is important to understand the amount of load on the players.

Basquetebol , Humanos , Masculino , Basquetebol/psicologia , Exercício Físico
Ann Med ; 55(2): 2267588, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37824224


OBJECTIVES: The differences in sporting environments between open and closed skill sports impose unique demands on athletes' cognitive and motor capabilities. Our study aims to investigate and compare cognitive function and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) among individuals involved in different sports, namely basketball, swimming, and a sedentary non-sports group. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study consisted of three groups, namely basketball players, swimmers, and sedentary individuals, with each group comprising twenty-six participants. HRV was assessed with the help of PowerLab. Cognition was assessed using the Ebbinghaus Memory Procedure Test (EMT), Go/No-Go Task (GNG), Color Stroop task, Trail Making Test (TMT), and Letter Cancellation test (LCT). RESULTS: The results of the Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) analyses indicated that there was significance between the groups. However, no significant differences were observed between swimmers and basketball players in cognitive functions and HRV measures. Overall, the sport group outperformed the sedentary group. Specifically, basketball players and swimmers completed LCT and TMT faster than the sedentary group (p = 0.044 and p < 0.001 for basketball players, p = 0.002 and p = 0.001 for swimmers). Additionally, basketball players took fewer trials in EMT (p = 0.013) and less time (p = 0.026) compared to the sedentary group. CONCLUSION: The results of the study indicate that sports training, regardless of sport type, positively impacts overall cognitive function. However, no significant differences were observed in cognitive task performance and HRV measures between open and closed skill sport players. These findings suggest that sports can enhance cognitive functions, regardless of the sport played.

Basquetebol , Cognição , Humanos , Frequência Cardíaca , Basquetebol/fisiologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Natação/fisiologia , Atletas
Rev. psicol. deport ; 32(4): 51-59, Oct 15, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-228851


This paper explores the innovative integration of dance culture application modeling within the context of basketball, with a dual emphasis on sports science and enterprise applications. The convergence of dance and basketball offers a unique opportunity to enhance player performance, promote physical conditioning, and facilitate dynamic teamwork. In sports science, the infusion of dance-inspired exercises and routines into basketball training regimens has proven instrumental in enhancing athletes' agility, coordination, and balance. These fundamental attributes are essential for basketball players to excel in dribbling, shooting, and defensive maneuvers. Furthermore, dance culture application modeling contributes to optimal physical conditioning, bolstering cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength, and basketball players maintain peak performance levels throughout the game. Beyond the court, the marriage of dance and basketball presents exciting prospects for enterprises within the sports industry. Team cohesion and motivation are vital for success, and dance culture modeling fosters teamwork, synchronization, and camaraderie among players. Such attributes translate into better on-court performance and contribute to a more marketable and engaging sports product. This approach can be a potent tool for branding, fan engagement, and marketing initiatives within the basketball ecosystem. Additionally, dance culture application modeling can play a pivotal role in injury prevention and rehabilitation, safeguarding players' physical well-being and prolonging their careers. It also offers a refreshing avenue for player wellness during off-seasons and recovery periods. This abstract showcases the promising intersection of dance culture application modeling with basketball, transcending conventional training methodologies. Through its amalgamation of sports science and enterprise applications, it not only elevates player performance but also enhances the appeal and viability of basketball as a dynamic and marketable sport.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Atletas/psicologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Desempenho Atlético , Dançaterapia , Dança , Esportes , Psicologia do Esporte
Rev. psicol. deport ; 32(4): 94-108, Oct 15, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-228855


Functional training, since Beijing Olympic Games, from field of medical rehabilitation to field of competitive sports, advanced scientific training concepts and training methods have gradually been recognized by domestic competitive sports workers and coaches. Therefore, functional training should be developed to grass-roots team to lay a solid foundation for sustainable development of competitive sports in our country. In this paper, a complete set of functional physical training program is designed by using methods of literature, expert interviews, experiments, mathematical statistics, and logical analysis. Finally, it is found that functional training can improve physical coordination of men's basketball. And symmetry, flexibility of athletes' ankle joints, thoracic spine, shoulder joints and stability of knee joints and cores have been improved, reducing probability of sports injuries, providing a theoretical basis for innovative scientific training of male basketball players in my country.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Basquetebol/psicologia , Atletas/psicologia , Tutoria , Aptidão Física , Treinamento de Força , Exercício Físico , Esportes , Psicologia do Esporte , Medicina Esportiva , Traumatismos em Atletas/reabilitação
Ansiedad estrés ; 29(2): 88-93, May-Agos. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-223609


Antecedentes: la vinculación entre el estrés, la ansiedad y el rendimiento deportivo constituye un relevante tema de interés en el área de la psicología deportiva, si bien existe poca evidencia acerca de cómo diferentes variables pueden afectar a los niveles de ansiedad y así alterar el rendimiento deportivo. Objetivo: comparar las relaciones existentes entre las características psicológicas relacionadas con el rendimiento deportivo y ansiedad precompetitiva en una muestra de deportistas federados y no federados que difieren en sexo, edad y deporte practicado. Método: en este estudio han participado 202 deportistas con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 30 años (X = 22,35; DT = 3,69) que practican fútbol, baloncesto, atletismo y/o natación. Resultados: se ha encontrado que existe relación entre las habilidades psicológicas relacionadas con el rendimiento deportivo y la ansiedad precompetitiva. Asimismo, se ha hallado que solo existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la ansiedad somática dependiendo de si el deporte practicado es individual o grupal, así como diferencias en los niveles de ansiedad precompetitiva según el sexo, si bien no hay relación diferencial en los niveles de ansiedad respecto a la edad. Conclusiones: a través de este estudio se ha pretendido aportar más evidencia empírica al ámbito de la psicología deportiva y se valoran sus beneficios.(AU)

Introduction: The link between stress, anxiety and sports performance is a relevant topic of interest in the area of sports psychology, although there is little evidence about how different variables can affect anxiety levels and thus alter sports performance. Objective: Compare the relationships between psychological characteristics related to sports performance and pre-competitive anxiety in a sample of federated and non-federated athletes differing in sex, age and sport practiced. Method: 202 sportsmen and women aged between 18 and 30 years (X = 22.35; SD = 3.69) who play football, basketball, athletics and/or swimming participated. Results: it was found that there is a relationship between psychological skills related to sports performance and pre-competitive anxiety. Likewise, it was found that there are only statistically significant differences in somatic anxiety depending on whether the sport practised is individual or group, as well as differences in the levels of pre-competitive anxiety by gender, although there is no differential relationship in the levels of anxiety with respect to age. Conclusions: the aim of this study is to provide more empirical evidence to the field of sport psychology and to assess its benefits.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Psicologia do Esporte , Desempenho Atlético , Atletas , Ansiedade , Adaptação Psicológica , Aptidão , Esportes , Psicologia , Estresse Psicológico , Natação/psicologia , Futebol/psicologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Atletismo/psicologia
Biomed Eng Online ; 22(1): 66, 2023 Jul 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37407988


BACKGROUND: Motor impairment is a common consequence of stroke causing difficulty in independent movement. The first month of post-stroke rehabilitation is the most effective period for recovery. Movement imagination, known as motor imagery, in combination with virtual reality may provide a way for stroke patients with severe motor disabilities to begin rehabilitation. METHODS: The aim of this study is to verify whether motor imagery and virtual reality help to activate stroke patients' motor cortex. 16 acute/subacute (< 6 months) stroke patients participated in this study. All participants performed motor imagery of basketball shooting which involved the following tasks: listening to audio instruction only, watching a basketball shooting animation in 3D with audio, and also performing motor imagery afterwards. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded for analysis of motor-related features of the brain such as power spectral analysis in the [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] frequency bands and spectral entropy. 18 EEG channels over the motor cortex were used for all stroke patients. RESULTS: All results are normalised relative to all tasks for each participant. The power spectral densities peak near the [Formula: see text] band for all participants and also the [Formula: see text] band for some participants. Tasks with instructions during motor imagery generally show greater power spectral peaks. The p-values of the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for band power comparison from the 18 EEG channels between different pairs of tasks show a 0.01 significance of rejecting the band powers being the same for most tasks done by stroke subjects. The motor cortex of most stroke patients is more active when virtual reality is involved during motor imagery as indicated by their respective scalp maps of band power and spectral entropy. CONCLUSION: The resulting activation of stroke patient's motor cortices in this study reveals evidence that it is induced by imagination of movement and virtual reality supports motor imagery. The framework of the current study also provides an efficient way to investigate motor imagery and virtual reality during post-stroke rehabilitation.

Basquetebol , Imaginação , Transtornos Motores , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Realidade Virtual , Humanos , Eletroencefalografia/métodos , Imaginação/fisiologia , Transtornos Motores/etiologia , Transtornos Motores/fisiopatologia , Transtornos Motores/reabilitação , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/complicações , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/terapia , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral/métodos , Córtex Motor/fisiopatologia , Basquetebol/fisiologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Ondas Encefálicas/fisiologia
Comput Intell Neurosci ; 2022: 9628446, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36203724


In the current environment of globalization, the communication between people is gradually getting closer, and the society is becoming more and more complex. With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, people are more skilled in applying science and technology to their own concerns. College students are about to enter the society, will feel multiple pressure from family, school, and society, study and life problems will gradually convert into mental health problems, and we need to use machine learning basketball exercise to positively affect the mental health quality of college students. The improvement of living conditions makes people pay more attention to their physical and mental health, and learn to use machine learning sports reasonably, not only basketball exercise, to improve mental health diseases. However, we need to use machine learning to identify the different effects of different basketball exercise intensity on mental health, in order to ensure that the most appropriate basketball exercise intensity brings good aspects to the mental health of college students. Through the investigation and data sampling, it can be concluded that the machine learning-based basketball exercise intensity has a positive impact on the mental health of college students.

Basquetebol , Saúde Mental , Basquetebol/psicologia , Exercício Físico , Humanos , Aprendizado de Máquina , Estudantes/psicologia
J Environ Public Health ; 2022: 8624803, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36060876


Enthusiasm for sports competitions is consistently high. In sports competitions, athletes not only need to have superb skills but also need a strong psychological quality. Usually, athletes with high psychological quality can make their technical level outstanding; on the contrary, for athletes with low psychological quality, even if the level of competition is very high, it is difficult to achieve excellent results. This study analyzes the data of basketball players to study the influence of the stability of different players' psychological quality on the performance of basketball games. The "mental state" of basketball players is negatively correlated with their performance in basketball games, and the players' psychology often shows signs of tension during basketball games. This tension is the result of a variety of psychological effects, and the number of times of tension is different under different psychological quality stabilities. The experimental analysis results of this study show that through the data analysis of the psychological factors affecting basketball players, the key factors affecting their psychology have been explored, and strategies and methods that can effectively cultivate the psychological quality of basketball players have been found, in order to provide a reference for improving the psychological quality of basketball players.

Basquetebol , Atletas/psicologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Humanos
J Environ Public Health ; 2022: 6340347, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35958381


In order to improve the basketball theory and provide theoretical and intellectual support for the scientific, mental health, and sustainable development of basketball, we propose to take the development dynamic mechanism of juvenile basketball as the research object and make a systematic and in-depth study on the dynamic mechanism, the cultivation of Chinese and foreign juvenile basketball reserve talents, and the dynamic dilemma and influencing factors of juvenile campus basketball development by using the methods of literature, questionnaire, and expert interview. A method of cultivating the ring tone of juvenile basketball is proposed. This method is based on Chan algorithm. When the target is close to each base station, the first estimation also needs an initial value to solve the initial solution estimation matrix. The method is also based on multivariate Taylor algorithm, taking into account the measured distance between the targets to be measured, so it will get some useful information, which will improve the positioning accuracy. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the algorithm used in this paper is more than 85%. However, the accuracy of rebounding and passing recognition and prediction is low. The recognition accuracy and prediction accuracy of the test set are slightly lower than that of the effective set, which shows that the performance of the target detection system model in this paper can be further improved through more significant training examples. It is proved that the algorithm based on Taylor ring can meet the needs of teenagers in the basketball coordination and mental health.

Desempenho Atlético , Basquetebol , Adolescente , Desempenho Atlético/psicologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Exercício Físico , Humanos , Saúde Mental , Inquéritos e Questionários
PLoS One ; 17(2): e0263772, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35139123


The 24 h responses to professional female netball-specific training were examined. British Superleague players (n = 14) undertook a 90-min on-court training session incorporating key movement, technical, and scenario-specific match-play drills. Perceptual (mood, fatigue, soreness), neuromuscular (countermovement jump peak power output [PPO], PPO relative to mass [PPOrel], jump height [JH]), endocrine (salivary cortisol [C], testosterone [T] concentrations) and biochemical (creatine kinase concentrations [CK]) markers were assessed at baseline (immediately before; Pre), and immediately, two and 24 hours after (+0h, +2h, +24h) training. Session (sRPE) and differential (dRPE) ratings of perceived exertion were recorded at +0h. Identification of clear between time-point differences were based on the 95% confidence interval (CI) for mean differences relative to baseline values not overlapping. At +0h, C (raw unit mean difference from baseline; 95% CI: 0.16; 0.06 to 0.25 µg·dl-1), T (32; 20 to 45 pg⋅ml-1), CK (39; 28 to 50 u·L-1), PPOrel (2.4; 0.9 to 3.9 W·kg-1) and PPO (169; 52 to 286 W) increased. At +2h, fatigue (15; 7 to 24 AU), CK (49; 38 to 60 u·L-1), and soreness (14; 3 to 25 AU) increased, while T (-24; -37 to -11 pg⋅ml-1) and mood (-20; -27 to -12 AU) reduced. At +24h, CK increased (25; 13 to 36 u·L-1) whereas PPOrel (-1.6; -3.2 to -0.1 W·kg-1) and JH (-0.02; -0.03 to -0.08 m) reduced. Responses were variable specific, and recovery of all variables did not occur within 24h. The residual effects of the prior stimulus should be accounted for in the planning of training for professional female netball players.

Afeto/fisiologia , Atletas , Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia , Basquetebol , Condicionamento Físico Humano/fisiologia , Adulto , Atletas/psicologia , Desempenho Atlético/psicologia , Basquetebol/fisiologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Creatina Quinase/sangue , Fadiga/etiologia , Fadiga/metabolismo , Fadiga/fisiopatologia , Feminino , Hormônios/análise , Hormônios/metabolismo , Humanos , Hidrocortisona/análise , Hidrocortisona/metabolismo , Músculo Esquelético/fisiologia , Mialgia/etiologia , Mialgia/metabolismo , Mialgia/fisiopatologia , Condicionamento Físico Humano/psicologia , Saliva/química , Saliva/metabolismo , Testosterona/análise , Testosterona/metabolismo , Reino Unido , Adulto Jovem
Psychol Rep ; 125(6): 3049-3068, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34412542


Experimental stress paradigms have been little used in the sport psychology literature because they are unrelated to the specific sport task. The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) was used in the present study to investigate its influence on the free-throw performance of skilled basketball players. We also investigated the influence of adopting other-approach goals (i.e., doing well relative to others) on free-throw performance when basketball players were placed in a competition immediately after the TSST, comparatively with a control condition without competition. The results showed that free-throw performance decreased in the control condition, while free-throw performance remained stable when the TSST was followed by a competition. They also highlighted that other-approach goals were significant positive predictors of post-TSST performance in the competition condition but not in the control condition. The TSST may now be used with skilled athletes as an experimental stress paradigm to induce acute stress in the sport domain.

Basquetebol , Objetivos , Atletas , Basquetebol/psicologia , Humanos
Nutrients ; 13(12)2021 Nov 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34959749


Using palatable fluids to enhance drinking in athletes who display insufficient compensatory hydration behaviour may mitigate the risks of hypohydration and performance deficits. However, it is unclear whether flavour can independently enhance fluid consumption. This study examined the effects of a colourless, artificially sweetened flavoured water (FW), without carbohydrates and with negligible amounts of sodium, compared to plain water (W) on fluid consumption in male collegiate basketball players in a practical game setting. Eighteen male basketball players (age 23.1 ± 1.3 years) played a 3v3 basketball small-sided game. The players were randomly assigned to consume either FW or W. Pre-game urine-specific gravity, fluid consumption, body mass, and hedonic taste perceptions were assessed. Basketball performance was analysed through notational analysis. Ratings of perceived exertion and thirst were recorded at pre-, post-game, and at each rest period. Heart rate was recorded throughout the gameplay. Despite significantly higher hedonic ratings for FW than W (6.78 ± 0.83 vs. 5.56 ± 1.33, p = 0.033, d = 1.36), there were no significant differences in fluid consumption (1083 ± 32 mL vs. 1421 ± 403 mL, p = 0.068, d = 0.92). Our result highlighted that using palatable fluids as a strategy to increase fluid consumption during high-intensity gameplay in the heat may not be effective if used without carbohydrates and electrolytes. Practitioners could consider both fluid palatability and composition in establishing a hydration plan for athletes.

Atletas/psicologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Desidratação/prevenção & controle , Água Potável/administração & dosagem , Aromatizantes/administração & dosagem , Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia , Basquetebol/fisiologia , Comportamento de Ingestão de Líquido , Água Potável/química , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/prevenção & controle , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos , Humanos , Masculino , Estado de Hidratação do Organismo/fisiologia , Filosofia , Percepção Gustatória , Universidades , Adulto Jovem
Scand J Med Sci Sports ; 31(12): 2241-2248, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34416791


OBJECTIVE: To determine the risk of mortality from mental disorders and suicide in professional sports associated with repeated head impacts. METHODS: A systematic search was performed in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus (since inception to June 8, 2021) to find studies comparing the incidence of mortality from mental disorders or suicide in former or active professional athletes of sports characterized by repeated head impacts vs athletes with no such exposure or the general non-athletic population. RESULTS: Seven retrospective studies of moderate-to-high quality that included data from boxers and from basketball, ice hockey, soccer, and National Football League (NFL) players, respectively (total = 27 477 athletes, 100% male) met all inclusion criteria. Former male NFL players (n = 13 217) had a lower risk of mortality from mental disorders (standard mortality rate [SMR] = 0.30; 0.12-0.77; p = 0.012) and suicide (SMR = 0.54; 0.37-0.78; p < 0.001) than the general population. This finding was also corroborated in male soccer players (n = 13,065; SMR = 0.55; 0.46-0.67; p < 0.001). Male athletes participating in sports associated with repeated head impacts (n = 18,606) had also a lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer mortality (all p < 0.01) than the general population. CONCLUSIONS: Participation of male athletes in American football or soccer at the professional level might confer a certain protective effect against mortality from mental disorders or suicide, besides its association with a lower risk of all-cause, CVD, or cancer-related mortality.

Futebol Americano/psicologia , Transtornos Mentais/mortalidade , Futebol/psicologia , Suicídio/estatística & dados numéricos , Basquetebol/lesões , Basquetebol/psicologia , Boxe/lesões , Boxe/psicologia , Concussão Encefálica/epidemiologia , Doenças Cardiovasculares/mortalidade , Causas de Morte , Comportamento Competitivo/fisiologia , Futebol Americano/lesões , Hóquei/lesões , Hóquei/psicologia , Humanos , Incidência , Masculino , Neoplasias/mortalidade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Futebol/lesões , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia
PLoS One ; 16(5): e0251117, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33979374


In many kinds of sports, deceptive actions are frequently used to hamper the anticipation of an opponent. The head fake in basketball is often applied to deceive an observer regarding the direction of a pass. To perform a head fake, a basketball player turns the head in one direction, but passes the ball to the opposite direction. Several studies showed that reactions to passes with head fakes are slower and more error-prone than to passes without head fakes (head-fake effect). The aim of a basketball player is to produce a head-fake effect for as large as possible in the opponent. The question if the timing of the deceptive action influences the size of the head-fake effect has not yet been examined systematically. The present study investigated if the head-fake effect depends on the temporal lag between the head turn and the passing movement. To this end, the stimulus onset asynchrony between head turn, and pass was varied between 0 and 800 ms. The results showed the largest effect when the head turn precedes the pass by 300 ms. This result can be explained better by facilitating the processing of passes without head fake than by making it more difficult to process passes with a head fake. This result is discussed regarding practical implications and conclusions about the underlying mechanism of the head-fake effect in basketball are drawn.

Basquetebol/fisiologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Enganação , Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia , Cabeça/fisiologia , Movimentos da Cabeça/fisiologia , Humanos , Masculino , Tempo de Reação , Esportes/fisiologia
Cuad. psicol. deporte ; 21(1): 146-161, ene. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | IBECS | ID: ibc-201965


A qualidade da construção do ambiente positivo para a prática esportiva estabelecida na relação treinador-atleta é reconhecida para uma experiência positiva dos jovens no esporte, podendo ser determinante para uma prática esportiva prolongada. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar se a qualidade da relação treinador-atleta se relaciona com a percepção de experiência positiva dos jovens no esporte. Participam do estudo 630 atletas (350 masc.; 280 fem.), nas modalidades coletivas de handebol (26%), voleibol (25%), futsal (31%) e basquetebol (18%), em competição de nível estadual, classificatória para etapa nacional. A idade dos atletas é de 16.06±0.82 anos e o tempo médio de prática das respectivas modalidades foi de 4.48±2.54 anos. O conjunto de dados foi coletado por meio dos questionários Relacionamento Treinador-Atleta (CART-Q Atleta) e Experiência dos Jovens no Esporte (YES-Y), validados para a língua portuguesa. Apesar da literatura reconhecer a importância da relação treinador-atleta, os resultados encontrados no presente estudo sugerem que a qualidade da relação treinador-atleta não influencia a experiência positiva dos jovens no esporte, no contexto escolar extracurricular

La calidad de la relación entrenador-atleta es reconocida como una experiencia positiva por jóvenes deportistas, que puede ser decisiva para la manutención en la práctica. El objetivo de esta investigación fue verificar si la calidad de la relación entrenador-atleta está relacionada con la percepción de la experiencia positiva de los jóvenes en el deporte. El estudio se realizó con 630 atletas (350 mas.; 280 fem.), en los deportes de equipo: balonmano (26%), voleibol (25%), fútbol sala (31%) y baloncesto (18%), todos participando en competencia de nivel estatal, clasificatoria para la etapa nacional. La edad de los atletas es de 16.06 ± 0.82 años y el tiempo medio de práctica en su deporte fue de 4.48 ± 2.54 años. El conjunto de datos se recopiló utilizando los cuestionarios de Relación Entrenador-Atleta (CART-Q Athlete) y Experiencia Juvenil en el Deporte (YES-Y), validados para el idioma portugués. Aunque la literatura reconoce la importancia de la relación entrenador-atleta, los resultados encontrados en el presente estudio sugieren que la calidad de la relación entrenador-atleta no influye en la experiencia positiva de los jóvenes en el deporte, en el contexto escolar extracurricular

The quality of the coach-athlete relationship is recognized as a positive experience by young people in sports, which can be decisive for a long-term sports practice. Our aim was to verify if the quality of the relationship coach-athlete is related to the perception of sport as a positive experience by young athletes. The participants are 630 young athletes (350 male; 280 female) in four different team sports: handball (26%), volleyball (25%), futsal (31%) and basketball (18%), participating in state competitions, which are qualifying for the national championship. The athletes' age was 16.06 ± 0.82 years with an average time of practice of 4.48 ± 2.54 years. The data was collected using the Coach-Athlete Relationship (CART-Q Athlete) and the Youth Experience in Sport (YES-Y) questionnaires, both validated for the Portuguese language. Although the literature recognizes the coach-athlete relationship as positive, the results found in this study suggest that the quality of the coach-athlete relationship, by itself, does not influences the perception of sports as a positive experience by young people in sports, in the extracurricular school context

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Relações Interpessoais , Atletas/psicologia , Esportes/psicologia , Aptidão Física/psicologia , Aptidão Física/fisiologia , Voleibol/psicologia , Basquetebol/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Análise de Variância , Estatísticas não Paramétricas